Natural resources
Natural resources are anything in nature that people value, like air you know we need oxygen to breathe and carbon dioxide is needed for plants to breathe so air is a natural resource. wood, fossil fuels, air, sunlight and even animals and plants can be a natural resource! to run other things like cars, we need fossil fuel and sunlight, wind and water can be used to make electricity.
we get valuable metals and minerals from the earth's crust. humans divide natural resources into two groups renewable and non renewable,
Renewable sources include things that can replenish itself like plants can reproduce faster than coal which is a non renewable resource. examples of renewable sources: wood, sunlight, water, animal and plants
Non renewable resources don't mean they do not replenish but they replenish very slowly like coal takes hundreds of years to replenish itself.examples of non renewable energy sources: coal, gasoline diesel, metals like iron and minerals
we get valuable metals and minerals from the earth's crust. humans divide natural resources into two groups renewable and non renewable,
Renewable sources include things that can replenish itself like plants can reproduce faster than coal which is a non renewable resource. examples of renewable sources: wood, sunlight, water, animal and plants