Saturday 6 July 2013

Mughal Emporor 3-Akbar The Great


Abu'l-Fath Jalal ud-din Muhammad Akbar
Born on October 15, 1542 in Umarkot, India, and enthroned at age 14, Akbar the Great began his military conquests under the tutelage of a regent before claiming imperial power and expanding the Mughal Empire. Known as much for his inclusive leadership style as for his war mongering, Akbar ushered in an era of religious tolerance and appreciation for the arts. Akbar the Great died in 1605

Date of birth:14 Oct 1542

Date of death: 27 October 1605
Ruling period: 50 years

Battles fought: More than 100

Main achievements: Finding a new cast, Ruling 1/4 of Asia

Life period:  63 years

Successor: Jahangir

Grandson: Shah Jahan

Akbar's father: Humayun

Akbar's mother: Hamida Banu Begum

 Biography: Akbarnama and Ain-I-akbari


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